SAP Agrees to Pay $220 Million to Settle Bribery Charges: A Deep Dive




In a recent development, global software giant SAP has agreed to pay more than $220 million to settle bribery charges involving government officials around the world. The charges allege that the company used money and gifts, often routed through external business consultants, to secure business deals in countries like South Africa, Indonesia, and others. This article takes a closer look at the allegations, the repercussions faced by SAP, and the steps the company has taken to address the issue.


The Allegations


The alleged bribery schemes operated from December 2014 until January 2022, with subsidiaries of SAP in Africa, Azerbaijan, and Indonesia being implicated. These subsidiaries are accused of repeatedly breaking company policies put in place to guard against corruption. Let’s delve into some of the specific allegations made against SAP.


South Africa: Millions in Fees and Golf Outings


In South Africa, SAP is accused of paying millions in fees to consultants despite no work being performed. Additionally, the company allegedly funded trips to New York for government officials, including golf outings. These acts, which were intended to influence decision-making in favor of SAP, violated ethical standards and anti-corruption policies.

SAP to Pay More Than $220 Million to End Bribery Probes - WSJ

Indonesia: Shopping Excursions and Explicit Payments


In Indonesia, SAP is said to have funded shopping excursions and dining experiences for government officials. Even more concerning, the Securities and Exchange Commission order cites WhatsApp discussions that included explicit instructions for payments. This blatant disregard for ethics and compliance further compounded SAP’s legal troubles.


The Consequences


As a result of the bribery charges, SAP has faced significant legal consequences and financial penalties. The settlement reached includes a criminal fine of $118.8 million. The Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission, in collaboration with South African authorities, were involved in the investigation and announcement of the settlement. It is worth noting that these penalties were reduced from the maximum possible due to SAP’s cooperation with investigators and its efforts to punish and terminate employees involved in the bribery schemes.


SAP’s Response and Overhauled Policies


SAP has expressed its commitment to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and compliance. The company acknowledges the corrupt practices and has taken steps to address the issue. SAP has cooperated fully with investigators and has implemented policy changes to prevent similar incidents in the future.


Cooperation and Employee Accountability


By cooperating with authorities and actively assisting in the investigation, SAP has demonstrated its acceptance of responsibility for the corrupt practices. The company’s willingness to hold employees accountable for their actions sends a strong message about its commitment to rectifying the situation.


Policy Overhaul and Compliance Measures


To prevent future occurrences of bribery and corruption, SAP has undertaken a comprehensive policy overhaul. By implementing stricter guidelines and compliance measures, the company aims to ensure that all business dealings adhere to the highest ethical standards. These changes will help safeguard SAP’s reputation and protect it from potential legal and financial repercussions.


SAP’s History with Bribery Charges


This is not the first time SAP has faced bribery charges. Back in 2016, the company was penalized for violating US laws against bribery and corruption in Panama. The recurrence of such charges raises questions about the effectiveness of SAP’s previous measures and highlights the need for a more robust and sustainable ethical framework.


The International Marketplace and Prosecution of Bribery Cases

German software giant SAP fined more than $220M to resolve US bribery  allegations | WTTV CBS4Indy

The international marketplace poses unique challenges when it comes to prosecuting bribery cases. The US government’s commitment to vigorously prosecuting such cases is aimed at protecting domestic companies that abide by the law while engaging in global commerce. This commitment is essential for maintaining a level playing field and ensuring fair business practices worldwide.




The settlement reached by SAP to pay $220 million in bribery charges serves as a reminder of the importance of ethical conduct in the business world. Companies must prioritize compliance and adopt stringent measures to prevent corruption. SAP’s cooperation with investigators and its efforts to address the issue through policy changes are steps in the right direction. However, the recurrence of bribery charges raises concerns about the effectiveness of previous measures. Moving forward, it is crucial for SAP and other companies to learn from these incidents and establish a sustainable ethical framework that upholds the highest standards of integrity and transparency in all business dealings.


Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal or financial advice


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