Is Harvard Business School Struggling with DEI?

In recent years, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have become crucial issues for organizations across various sectors. Harvard Business School (HBS), one of the most prestigious business schools in the world, is no exception. As businesses grapple with their own DEI reckoning, HBS finds itself facing pressure on multiple fronts. This article delves into the challenges HBS has encountered in its journey towards promoting DEI and the impact it has had on its students and faculty.


The Importance of DEI at HBS


HBS has long been renowned for producing graduates who go on to occupy influential positions in the corporate world. The success of its alumni has contributed to the school’s reputation and financial stability. However, in the wake of the murder of George Floyd in 2020, HBS undertook a self-examination of its own DEI efforts. It became apparent that the experiences of black students at the school differed from those of their white counterparts. Recognizing the need for change, HBS made efforts to diversify its student body and faculty, following the lead of both corporate America and the rest of Harvard University.


The Challenges of Incorporating DEI into the Classroom

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Bringing DEI into the business school classroom is a complex task. HBS predominantly uses the “case method” of teaching, which requires students to put themselves in the shoes of executives facing specific challenges. However, some students felt that the cases presented did not adequately represent the diversity of experiences. While increasing the ethnic and gender diversity of case protagonists is a step in the right direction, simply substituting a white man with a black woman without considering the broader context is seen as inadequate.


In response to student feedback, HBS made a course on “inclusion” mandatory for first-year MBA students. Previously, this course had been optional and primarily focused on race and gender. However, the new course faced criticism for lacking rigor and discouraging open discussion, as it was taught to a single group of 1,000 students. Some professors also expressed concerns that conservative and religious students felt marginalized and hesitant to voice their opinions.


The Backlash and the Need for Thoughtful Approaches


As with many institutions addressing DEI, HBS has faced a backlash. Critics argue that the emphasis on DEI has created an environment where conservative viewpoints are suppressed and free speech is limited. Professors and students alike have expressed concerns about the ability to engage in open and honest discussions. A student survey conducted at HBS revealed that conservative and religious students felt less able to speak up, further highlighting the challenges of cultivating an inclusive environment that respects diverse perspectives.


HBS’s Journey Towards Finding Balance

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HBS’s approach to DEI has been a learning process, with adjustments made along the way. The mandatory inclusion course was initially redesigned to address some of the concerns raised by students and faculty. However, it was eventually shelved altogether. Additionally, Francesca Gino, one of the architects of the course, faced accusations of fraud in her work and was put on unpaid administrative leave. This further highlighted the complexities and challenges of navigating the DEI landscape.




As HBS grapples with the complexities of DEI, it serves as a microcosm of the broader challenges faced by organizations in their pursuit of inclusive environments. The journey towards finding the right balance between promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion while fostering open dialogue and respecting diverse perspectives is a delicate one. HBS, like many others, is learning to navigate this tightrope, recognizing that the path forward requires thoughtful approaches and ongoing adaptation.


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