Teach Sex Education Based on Medically Accurate Information, Not Personal Values: Advocating for Evidence-Based Approaches to Ensure Comprehensive and Inclusive Sexual Education


## Introduction


Sex education plays a crucial role in the overall well-being and development of young people. It equips them with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about their relationships and sexual health. However, in some states, the lack of comprehensive and evidence-based sex education curriculum is a cause for concern. Ohio, for example, is the only state without health education standards, leaving room for personal values to dictate what students are taught. In this article, we will explore the importance of teaching sex education based on medically accurate information and provide insights into the current landscape of sex education in Ohio.


The Consequences of Inadequate Sex Education


A lack of high-quality and medically accurate sex education in schools can have adverse outcomes for students. When personal values supersede research and expert guidance, misinformation and stigma can perpetuate. Students may lack the necessary information to make safe and empowered decisions about their sexual health. It is essential to address this issue and advocate for a better approach to sex education.

Importance of Sex Ed from a Sex Educator | Power to Decide

Understanding the Current State of Sex Education in Ohio


Ohio’s “home rule” state status allows each district to determine its own sex education curriculum, as long as it meets the requirements set out in the Ohio Revised Code. However, these requirements often fall short in covering the comprehensive range of topics related to relationship and sexual health. This limited approach hampers students’ understanding and may further stigmatize individuals based on personal beliefs.


One example of this is Ohio’s mandate for abstinence-only education, despite numerous studies showing its ineffectiveness. Medical organizations such as The American Academy of Pediatrics and The American Medical Association have emphasized that abstinence-only-until-marriage curricula are both ineffective and harmful. The absence of essential topics, such as reproductive and sexual anatomy, protection methods, and pregnancy and birth, exacerbates the shortcomings of Ohio’s sex education curriculum.


The Importance of Medically Accurate Information


To bridge the gap in sex education, it is vital to provide students with medically accurate information. Medically accurate sex education ensures that students receive information rooted in scientific research and evidence-based practices. This approach equips them with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate relationships and make informed choices about their sexual health.


Advocating for Change


Several Southwest Ohio schools and local partners have taken steps to provide comprehensive sex education to youth in the area. Collaborating with organizations like Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio, they utilize a curriculum developed by trained and competent educators. This curriculum builds on the foundation of the national sex education standards, addressing topics such as anatomy, reducing the risk of sexually transmitted infections, and more.


Taking Action: How to Assess Sex Education Curriculum

Sex Education Is Essential (Sex Ed for All Talking Points) - Healthy Teen Network

As a parent or trusted adult, it is essential to take an active role in assessing the quality of sex education curriculum in your local schools. Start by contacting the school district and inquiring about the administrator responsible for overseeing sexual health education. Determine whether the curriculum is developed in-house or outsourced to an external organization. If it is outsourced, ask for information about the organization and the curriculum they provide. If the district develops its own curriculum, inquire about the process and the expertise involved.


The Need for Health Education Standards in Ohio


Ohio’s lack of health education standards is a significant obstacle in ensuring consistent and comprehensive sex education across the state. The absence of these standards allows personal values to influence the curriculum and may perpetuate misinformation and stigma. Establishing health education standards would provide a framework for guiding the development and implementation of sex education curriculum in Ohio.


The Role of Community Organizations and Libraries


In the absence of comprehensive sex education in schools, community organizations and libraries have stepped up to fill the gap. Collaborations between organizations like Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio and these community entities have allowed for the provision of accurate and inclusive sex education. These partnerships ensure that young people have access to vital information and resources beyond the traditional classroom setting.


The Power of Advocacy


Advocacy plays a crucial role in effecting change in sex education curriculum. Parents, guardians, educators, and students themselves can join forces to advocate for comprehensive and medically accurate sex education. By raising awareness, engaging with policymakers, and sharing personal stories, we can create a supportive environment that prioritizes the well-being and empowerment of Ohio’s youth.




Teaching sex education based on medically accurate information is essential for the well-being and development of young people. Ohio’s current approach, driven by personal values rather than research and expert guidance, falls short in providing comprehensive and inclusive sex education. It is crucial to advocate for change, establish health education standards, and collaborate with community organizations to ensure that all Ohio youth have access to high-quality sex education. By prioritizing the provision of medically accurate information, we can empower young people to make informed decisions and lead healthy lives. Together, let us work towards a future where sex education is based on facts, not personal values.


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